Tuesday, July 8, 2008


my fish are amazing..
they really amaze me everyday with how beautiful they are and how they survive together as a group and overcoming their many differences. they are all tropical fish that swim and float in warm 82 degree water- but they are catfish, rainbow shark, and guarimi's. all very different species living together in a 20 gallon borrowed tank.
i want the best for them always.

and for me?
and the ones loved, loving, in love with?
well we're lost.
we live together, we surive and eat and play together.
but we fail to overcome our differences most of the time- we fail to listen and to live with one another. we need to take a lesson from our fresh-water friends.
it's simple- the concept of loving and being loved and oh! have i told you how amazing it feels to have your whole being and existence engulfed by another and feeling so safe you could fly without valium? there when you least expect it and throws a bullet in your head when shit hits the fan.
i'm not complaining
i love it.. i live for love.
all these feelings..running through my body like alchohol..quick, effective.
it's too good to give up on!

the only thing i have a problem with
my only strife with love is..
how quickly you let it go.
how swift you move to get out of my heart.
love others! be happy!
but don't fucking drag down a heart filled to the brim in 1.5 seconds.